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Apple Rumours

Entry 430, on 2006-11-21 at 14:19:21 (Rating 2, Computers)

I've decided its time to update my Mac, so I ordered an Intel Core 2 based MacBook Pro from Apple a couple of weeks ago (one of the first to be ordered in New Zealand) but, because of the delays to the 17" inch model, there's still no sign of it. Last time I bought a PowerBook there was a significant wait as well. Apple still seem to have trouble supplying some products without delays.

They can't supply enough of the new iPod shuffles to meet the demand. Surely a low cost device like this should be being produced by the million! More important is the issue of what seem to be vapourware products: the iPhone and video iPod. How long have I been waiting to update my iPod and not done it because the video model is "just about to be released"? The answer is about 6 to 9 months. Instead, I have made my 3G iPod a lot more useful by replacing the battery - at least I get decent battery life out of it now.

Of course waiting for new Apple products, and speculating about what they might be like, is one of the great fun activities of any Mac afficionado, and the core activity of many Apple rumour web sites. Its a real tribute to Apple that people care enough about their products that they bother with so much effort trying to extract every little piece of evidence for upcoming devices.

I know there is a certain amount of speculation around Microsoft products as well, but it tends to be more about what incompatibilities, unfair licensing arrangements, and other problems are likely to be introduced, instead of the more positive thoughts on how cool and innovative the new stuff will be.


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