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Isn't Life Grand

Entry 375, on 2006-08-04 at 11:23:07 (Rating 3, Comments)

One of the ultimate experiences for a Mac programmer is to attend the World Wide Developers' Conference, a conference Apple hold every year and concentrate both on technical aspects of Mac development, and future directions and new products. As a Mac developer myself I expect my employer to send me to this conference whenever practical.

Unfortunately they have chosen to send several people who have no real right to be there instead. But wait, there's more! As an added bonus I get to do all the extra work for the people who are at courses and conferences which I should really be at myself. Isn't life grand!


Comment 1 (811) by Steve on 2007-08-22 at 14:46:14:

Don't worry about it too much Owen, it wasn't a very good conference anyway!


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