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Saddam's Buddy?

Entry 166, on 2005-05-03 at 20:39:48 (Rating 2, News)

The latest political storm, here in New Zealand, is over an ex-Iraqi diplomat who was allowed entry into New Zealand almost a year ago. This person (who has not been named) was a diplomat for Iraq during the time Saddam Hussein was in charge. He declared this fact on his immigration forms, but it was missed due to an administrative error.

So he was here for a year and hasn't caused any armed uprisings, blown anything up, or gassed any minority ethnic groups. Maybe he's really not that bad after all. It would be stupid to assume that anyone involved in the old Iraqi government is any sort of risk.

Some people have suggested that this is internationally embarrassing, but is it really? I think we should be proud that we weren't taken in by the mass hysteria generated by the US government for its own purposes. Unfortunately, now that he has been discovered he will be forced to leave the country as soon as possible, so it looks like the mindless bias will win after all.


Comment 1 (34) by Arnie on 2005-05-04 at 00:24:02:

Bah! Some people! So what if the guy is an Iraqi? Like you said, he "hasn't caused any armed uprisings, blown anything up, or gassed any minority ethnic groups" ... are all Iraqis killers and deserve to die because the crazy despot who ruled their country did a whole bunch of crap? Where's common sense to prevail over the mindless bias?


Comment 2 (35) by OJB on 2005-05-04 at 00:24:28:

Especially if he was a diplomat, he is likely to to be, errr, diplomatic and not cause too much trouble, I would have thought!


Comment 3 (36) by OJB on 2005-05-04 at 22:16:30:

Update: Well he's been told to leave (along with an ex Iraqi agriculture minister living here) and has agreed to go peacefully!


Comment 4 (37) by Arnie on 2005-05-05 at 18:19:09: Ah, so that ended quietly.


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