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Always Hope

Entry 1002, on 2009-05-03 at 20:00:31 (Rating 3, Skepticism)

About a week ago a friend of mine recommended I should watch a documentary about Gareth Morgan, a New Zealand economist who paid for some leading scientists to study the truth of global warming. It sounds fine except that the friend is a global warming denier (and coincidentally a creationist as well).

I'm watching the program now (I watch TV and write blog entries at the same time quite often because I find TV only requires about half my attention) and so far it looks fairly reasonable. I do have one objection: it talks about the scientific debate on global warming but that's not a good representation of the fact that the vast majority of experts agree that global warming is true and, while there is always some debate, it isn't as significant as they imply.

So my GW denier friend is hopefully watching this and maybe he's actually learning something. There is always the chance that he might learn some real facts about the subject instead of the propaganda he gets from the denial web sites he favours. Who knows, maybe he'll watch an evolution program too some day and learn the truth about creationism as well!


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